Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Applesauce Business - AppleBlade

This morning Emily, Sophia, and their friends Tiger and Violet have been working on an applesauce business - something that emerged about an hour ago.

First they harvested the apples from a community apple tree here at Rosewind Cohousing - the community where we live. They came back with a HUGE amount of apples and proceeded to cut them up and put them in pots to cook.

They got their Rollerblades on and began taking orders. They wrote orders on the calendar, discussing who had called and when they will have to deliver the goods. Emily said she'd check the phone messages and Violet would check emails.

They were cleaning up some of the apples from the floor and I decided to help, so they said that I could be the boss. "But she doesn't have Rollerblades on?," says Violet. Emily says, "That's okay. Bosses don't really work much. They just pay the bills."

This whole game is very entertaining for me, as I sit at the computer actually paying bills and working on various projects. They are taking it very seriously. That is, they aren't just playing a game; they are really an applesauce company/restaurant. They are discussing taste-testing their product, taking and fulfilling orders, paying bills, recipes ("should we add cream?") and discussing whether they should just do deliveries or have people make reservations to come for tastings, etc.

Now they are pretending to take calls and special orders. They are taking reservations, returning calls to check on orders, and discussing what to do since there are only 2 aprons and 4 girls.

From what I can tell, they have a pretty good understanding of what goes on in a business. And if someone suggests something that doesn't make sense in the "game", they discuss and decide what to do. Oh, now they are catering children's birthday parties, too! Their business is expanding already!

What a fun way to spend the morning!

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